Quarantena nel Mauritius

Proprietari, in vendita con il gruppo Jlsk!

Il supporto che vi offriamo! Perché sei importante per noi. StimaVi offriamo una stima personalizzata e precisa per la vendita o l'affitto del vostro immobile. Interveniamo solo nell'ambito di Ville e Appartamenti situati in complessi di tipo RES, PDS, IRS, IHS, Smart City e residenze di prestigio. I nostri consulenti verranno a casa tua. È gratuito e senza...

Confronta gli annunci

Particular Case
The Regulatory Sandbox License (RSL) allows an investor to undertake a commercial activity for which there is no legal structure or suitable regulations under Mauritius' existing legislation. The RSL will be provided by the Economic Development Board to qualifying firms that want to invest in innovative projects for a fixed amount of time under a set of agreed upon terms and conditions.

Any investor with an innovative concept for which there is no legal framework or sufficient measures to cover its materialization can submit a full application for the issuance of an RSL. The applicant must be able to demonstrate the creative character of the project on a local, regional or global scale.